Another week with deaths far above normal in Europe

Another week with deaths far above normal in Europe by Alex Berenson – SubStack

Excess deaths are now HIGHER continent-wide in 2022 than either 2020 or 2021 – even with Covid deaths far lower.

The strange and seemingly unending rise in all-cause deaths in the mRNA vaccinated countries continues.

This morning, European researchers released their most recent weekly report on deaths across the continent:


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The countries that report to this network include all the large countries in Western Europe. Week after week in 2022, they have posted death counts well above normal.

Overall deaths are now higher at this point in 2022 than they were at the same point in either 2020 or 2021.

I will keep saying this until someone pays attention: NO ONE EXPECTED DEATHS TO REMAIN ABOVE NORMAL ONCE COVID DEATHS FELL.

In fact, demographers and scientists generally assumed the opposite would occur. Covid deaths typically occur in people near the end of their lives, either from advanced age, morbid obesity, or other severe comorbidities. So demographic experts generally imagined deaths would run below average for months or years after Covid ended or nearly nearly ended.

Instead the opposite has occurred.

Worse, the most pronounced change (compared to the expected number of deaths) is occurring in teenagers and adults under 50, who – in Europe, anyway – hardly had any extra deaths from Covid or during the 2020 or the first half of 2021.

The second chart above shows this clearly; deaths in people under 15 were belownormal in Europe until about a year ago. Since then they have been well above normal. For Europeans 15-44, the trend is even clearer and more striking.

Between March 2020, when Covid began, and early summer 2021, when most European countries began to offer mass vaccinations to people under 50, the continent had about 3,500 extra deaths of young adults. In the year since, Europe has had roughly twice as many, about 7,000.

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